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When you suffer from muscle pain, there’s little else you can think of than how to get long-term relief. At Skyline pain, we’re pleased to offer our patients trigger point injections designed to help them get the relief they need to live a more productive lifestyle without worrying about the pain.

What Are Trigger Point Injections?


When you have knots in your muscles that won’t relax, trigger point injections can be used at the site to loosen them back up. These small areas of muscle tighten so much that they cut off blood circulation to the area, which can cause the pain you feel. In some cases, this pinching can affect nerves in the area, transferring the pain to other areas of your body. This is called referred pain. Unlike muscle cramps, these knots affect a small area of the muscle.



The trigger point injections relax your knotted muscles so the muscle feels better and can work the way it should. Your other muscles also get to relax and perform better. Even though the anesthetic is only directed into the trigger point, you feel a general sense of relief as your knotted muscles, and other tensed muscles relax.

Because your fibromyalgia makes you extra sensitive to pain, you may feel uncomfortable at the injection site directly after treatment. However, you can put a wrapped ice pack on the injection site to help subdue inflammation. Don’t lift weights or do strenuous activity for a few days after your treatment. Within a week or two, you should feel a significant reduction in your fibromyalgia pain and associated symptoms. Pain relief from trigger point injections can last up to several months.


About Trigger Point Injections

We will either ask you to lie on your stomach on the table or sit to administer trigger point injections depending on the trigger point location. First, our providers will locate the trigger point by pressing on the area with their hands and then mark the spot. Ultrasound isn’t necessary to perform this search. Once identified, the area is cleaned using alcohol. We inject medication via a trigger point injection needle, and a bandage is applied to the injection site. Ice and heat can be used if the area feels painful after the injection.


What to Expect with Trigger Point Injections

When you visit us for a trigger point injection, it can help you feel more comfortable if you know what to expect. A trigger point injection uses a small needle, which means the procedure is relatively painless. This injection is indicated to inactivate the trigger point so it can heal properly. One injection may be enough to resolve the issue. However, if the pain persists or the trigger point reactivates, you may need to schedule another appointment for subsequent injections. Treatments are completed right in our office, so there’s no need to go elsewhere. Trigger point injections are more effective when combined with physical therapy and a home exercise program to work out the muscle.

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